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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Millermatic Pulser
- - By nicolopico Date 07-16-2003 11:39
I've been debating about purchacing a miller pulser machine to weld roll cages and light aluminum structures
weld astetics isn't a priority as much as integrity.
A miller rep demo'd the machine for me and I was amazed at it's simplicity to get good penetration and bead with no prior expirience (on 18th aluminum stock) but all the professionals (4) that I speak to say they don't like the machine (other than I don't like it no real sound reason is ever given)
I watch the auctions for the machine daily on ebay and none ever sell.
It doesn't seem popular
I thought it was great

Any input?
Parent - - By ScottV (**) Date 07-17-2003 14:06
Here is what one guy thought of his pulser.It's from the Chaski web-site,on a powermig post.

I've been reading your posts about the Power Mig 300 and it sounds like a great machine. I currently have a Millermatic Pulser. I am totally disatisfied with the way it welds aluminum. It welds steel great. I have tried for hours to get a consistant bead bead but have been unable to. I bought it to weld 14 to 16 gauge aluminum. I have tried, .030, .035 4043 & 5356 wire, different gas settings, stainless brush cleaning for better arc starts, brush cleaning of groung clamp area for better electron flow, different wire feed speeds, trim and amperage settings, different thicknesses of material, multiple pieces of the same thickness material and joint design so as to try and repeat the same welding perameters, spoolgun drive roll pressures, all with the same results. At best the weld starts out cold bunched up for the first 1/2" then gets slightly better for the next 1" and after that it the material is to hot for the recommended setting on the machine. Is this just the nature of welding aluminum or is the Power Mig 300 have features to address these problems? Miller talks about increased welding speeds of 144" per minute. Is welding at 2.4" per second realistic? I think not. I am considering selling this unit and buying a Power Mig 300. Do you guys have a lot more control with your 300's. Can you weld in all positions? Also does the machine have adjustable wire feed and volrage at for weld starts? Do you still have pulse on pulse when using the spool gun or just pulse? This machine seems so advanced that my local dealer is clueless. Any comments would be apreciated. Thanks
Parent - By brande (***) Date 07-22-2003 04:41
I know I am a bit late...
FWIW-the Miller pulser is lacking in power, especially when aluminum is considered.
Although a Miller guy, I have found the Lincoln Powermig 300 a much better machine, and much more useful. Lincoln has done a lot with their products the past few years.
Hope this helps,
Good Luck
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Millermatic Pulser

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