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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Code of Ethics
- - By Jim Kester Date 07-18-2003 18:25
I have a chance to start my first job as CWI. I belong to a Union. An employer asked my business agent if he could hire me as a CWI and a Sheet Metal Worker. Business agent said yes. Is this something that should be considered. My question is: how do I separate inpection duties from sheet metal work? I will be inpecting sheet metal welders work. I've read the code of ethics.

Jim Kester
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 07-19-2003 12:40
Your situation isn't uncommon. As long as all concerned parties are informed about your duties and have no objections, there should be no problem. Normally you should not be in a position to sign off your own work, so it is better if production work and inspection work don't overlap. That doesn't mean they can't, just that there is less complication if they don't overlap.
Chet Guilford
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-19-2003 17:06
Don't forget there are more responses to your post in "Inspections" also.
Just a reminder,
John Wright
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Code of Ethics

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