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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / D1.8 question
- - By Pawndave (*) Date 05-01-2020 15:24

Im wondering, if a welder does the D1.8 restricted access WPQ test with an open root does that qualify them for backing as well? I've done the research and i think i know the answer but im looking for verification.

Thank you
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-01-2020 16:42
I don't recollect an open root groove welded from one side included in D1.8.

Parent - - By SWN1158 (***) Date 05-01-2020 18:06

5.1.3 Backing

The Supplemental Welder Qualification for Restricted Access Welding test shall use the type of backing to be used on the project, except that tests performed with no backing shall qualify the welder to use steel backing in production, but the reverse shall not be permitted.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-01-2020 18:11
My question is whether or not the root side is back gouged after welding the first side?

If there is a back gouge operation, it is considered to be welded with backing.

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 05-01-2020 19:08
Following what Scott quoted is text for "If backing other than steel is used, or no backing..." and then the Commentary for this section says "open root" as part of separate testing as all various backing must be separately qualified.  In other words, if you take the test with steel, that is the only one you can use, not copper or ceramic.  And, if you take it with ceramic, you can't use steel.  Thus, if you take it open root, that is what you are qualified for. 

Not quite like D1.1.  In this case, you can't take the open root and be qualified to weld with backing.  Backing IS an ESSENTIAL variable.  That includes 'weld as backing'.
Parent - By Pawndave (*) Date 05-01-2020 19:15
Thank you.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / D1.8 question

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