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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS - CWI expiration Questions
- - By quangvietmk Date 03-16-2021 04:29
Dear Sirs,

My AWS-CWI already expires for more than 2 years. I read all renew the policy of AWS about that. So I know that is all my fault.
Dear everyone in this forum. I need my CWI now so Have any way to renew my certificate in my situation now?.

I hope someone in this can show me how the way I renew my cert even no hope now.

Thank all everyone, and sorry for waste your time
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-16-2021 14:32
I believe you will have to retake the full examination cycle as if you were never certified.

Going two years as an expired CWI puts you in the same group as people who have never certified as a CWI.

I know that is difficult to hear, but the governing standard makes no provision for your situation other than the full examination.
Parent - - By quangvietmk Date 03-17-2021 02:34
Thank you so much.
I got this cert, and after 3 years it not bring for me good income enough. it is why I do not renew. and like I told, it is my fault.
Thank you for your answer :D
Parent - By jwwinsp Date 03-24-2021 19:56
I did the same thing.  Got mine in 1991 and let it expire 6 yrs later.  In 2003, I recertified and have had for 18 yrs now.   Nine year renewal this Dec 2021....

You can get it back..... Put the work in and keep it.  It was too hard to get and expensive to keep.  I have had mine so long, I can't afford to allow it to expire.

- By BELLALTAMIM Date 06-05-2022 17:32
My CSWIP 3.1 Certificate going to Expire, I've already got Approval from TWI UK to attend my 10 Year Recertification Exam, Could anyone please help to describe in USA where i can attend my CWIP 3.1 Exam ? Appreciate your kind help & support on this. Thanks in advance.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS - CWI expiration Questions

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