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Up Topic / Forum News & Help / Certificates Difference
- - By MIGUEL TERAN (*) Date 08-26-2021 05:26
Hi friends ....

Someone know, what is difference between quality certificate and accordance certificate of filler materials. It's the same?


Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-26-2021 21:20 Edited 09-01-2021 20:04
Hello Miguel;

I'm familiar with the terms:

Certified Material Test Report (CMTR)  - actual test data, chemical and mechanical test results for a particular heat or lot for the material you received. The chemistry may be the ladle analysis or a product analysis. For wrought material, the mechanical test data is for the material you received.


Certificate of Conformance (C of C) - a letter stating the material meets the requirements of the specification. The data listed are simply typical ranges for the specific elements and mechanical test results, but the data is not specific to the material you received.

The two terms you mentioned are new to me. Can you give us some context?

Parent - - By MIGUEL TERAN (*) Date 08-28-2021 16:08
Hello Albert

You  alway to help me...thanks my friend.

With respect to my doubts,  your response is correct.. ...that was what i was looking for.
Is  very very clear...

Thank for being there.Take care friend, it's good to know about you.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-01-2021 20:04
Happy to be of service.

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