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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / D1.1 prequalified WPS parameter
- - By Somkiat Date 11-04-2021 14:13
Manufacturers recommend parameter for FCAW process as below

200-350 amp
24-30 volt

My question is can I put this range in prequalified WPS?

or we should select +-10% amp and 7% volt
example 270-330 amp, 26.1-29.9 volt
               225-275 amp, 24.2-27.8 volt

Please advise
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-08-2021 14:01
Hi Somkiat

If you want to provide a range on your prequalified WPS it must be within the values prescribed in table 5.1

As far as "Manufacturers recommendations" go, the only thing in the prequalification clause that speaks to it is Maximum Current again in table 5.1 and that is only for SMAW, GMAW & FCAW.

If you select a range, you want it to be a range that will make good welds;   meaning, not so wide that the welders can create bad combinations,  and not so narrow the welders can't do the work in front of them.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-08-2021 14:30
I agree with Lawrence
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-09-2021 15:19
This is the part of the Farm Code that makes little sense.

The prequalified WPS must use the gas  and parameters recommended by the manufacturer. However, those parameter ranges are restricted by a % +/- value assigned by the committee.

So, it is permissible to write a prequalified WPS using the lower ranges of parameters recommended by the manufacturer. A second prequalified WPS for the mid range, and finally a third prequalified WPS for the upper range recommended by the manufacturer.

However, the Farm Code also allows the user to combine WPSs. So, one can combine the three prequalified WPSs and use the full range recommended by the manufacturer. Seems rather restrictive and needless if the premise is the manufacturer has demonstrated the full useful range of welding parameters for the particular electrode.

I have a problem with this restriction being included in the Farm Code. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. But what do I know? I've only been burning wire from the 1960s. I still have a lot to learn from the brainiacs that sit on the code committee.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / D1.1 prequalified WPS parameter

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