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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Neep input......Welding 304 stainless to 10B38 steel
- - By obowhunter2 Date 02-07-2022 16:15
Good morning,
I have been asked about welding 304 stainless plate to 10B38 steel using 304 .045 wire in the GMAW process. This is well outside my area of expertise. The 304 will be .250 thick and the 10B38 will be .380 thick. Has anyone ever done this and if so what would have to be done?
These will be fillet welds and the 10B38 will be used as a wear pad. Any information would be greatly apricated.
Parent - By Jovi Zhu (**) Date 02-08-2022 05:18
Hi, No experience with 10B38 but I assume it is a ferritic steel so this would be a DMW (Dissimilar Metal Weld) between the austenitic and ferrtic.

For similar application to my knowledge and experience the basic things should be the WPS and Welder qualifications in accordance with you fabrication Code/Standard. As a wear pad I do not expect it has any pressure retaining purpose or load carrying design intent should not be of too much difficulty as long as welder's skill is there for a good workmanship of the fillet welds.

Further suggestions of this application will include but not limited to the cleaning before welding to avoid hot cracking and control of dilution to the ferritic (10B38) side to avoid brittle welds.

Good luck~
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-16-2022 20:56
They make 304 filler metal where you are?

The 10B38 appears to a medium carbon steel that is treated with boron. The boron improved the hardenability of the steel, meaning the depth of hardening is greater than a steel without the boron.

Medium carbon steel is weldable, but you might consider some preheat and slow cooling, but you mentioned it is only 1/4-inch thick, so the preheat could be on the order of 125F.

You mention this material is used for its abrasion resistance. So, weldability and hardening are contradictory terms.

I suggest you try weld the 10B38 to 304 using a 309 or possibly 310 austenitic stainless-steel filler metal.

The low carbon tells me that the steel isn't going to get too hard, but the depth of hardening that does take place will be increased due to the boron.

I wouldn't weld the pads "all around". Allow for some movement, i.e. a degree of freedom so the HAZ of the 10B38 doesn't crack while it is cooling and contracting to ambient temperature.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Neep input......Welding 304 stainless to 10B38 steel

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