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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / ASME IX (2021) QW-322.3
- - By Firefly (*) Date 01-25-2023 01:44

Would you mind answering the following question re ASME IX (2021) QW-322.3?

May a welder's expired performance qualification (due to not using the process within the previous 6 months) be renewed on production work?  Or do a separate test coupon need to be welded?
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-01-2023 20:50
I don't have the 2021 edition in front of me, but QW-300.1. The answer should be buried in that paragraph.

Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / ASME IX (2021) QW-322.3

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