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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Pre-qualified GMAW-P parameters
- - By dhagfors (*) Date 10-31-2024 20:07
Hi guys/gals,

Sorry if this has already been covered, but I can’t find this info searching the forum.  I am relatively new to building WPS’s.  My new shop wants D1.1 WPS’s for our work.  Our shop uses GMAW-P for most of its work and the supervisors strongly prefer it.  We weld mild steel in the 1/8” to 1” range typically, and we weld stainless in a similar range.  Most of our work is fillets up to 1/4" and PJP square and flare bevel grooves.  When building a pre-qualified WPS, we look to the filler metal manufacturer for their recommended parameters.  However, none of the filler manufacturers list recommended parameters for GMAW-P.  I am tempted to go by amperage, but I believe that GMAW-P will use a lower amperage than traditional spray.  Do I need to stay within the amperage range for spray?  Do I go simply by WFS?  How do you go about selecting a baseline setting for pulse?

The AWS gave an interpretation in 2015, D1.1-15-I01, that says that GMAW-P is allowed to be pre-qualified.  But with no information from the filler manufacturer, how can we pre-qualify it?

I intend to evaluate the chosen parameters before going live with the WPS.  I will likely perform some macro-etching on some fillet welds and probably a bend test on a 1G plate to ensure that our settings are performing as desired.  Do you have any advice for evaluating pre-qualified WPS’s?

Thank you for your expertise,
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-01-2024 12:42
Let's make it easy.

The only manufacturers "recommendation" that applies to a D1.1 prequalified WPS is Maximum Current.    Nothing else.

So make some welds and record the most productive parameters that work and pay attention to CTWD to ensure it's consistent.


There is your baseline for your prequalified WPS. Use the tables for your ranges.   Just make sure your current does not exceed the manufacturers maximum recommendation for spray transfer.

While it's typical for a GMAWP current value to be lower for a given WFS, it's not a real big difference, especially in the spray transfer range.
Parent - By dhagfors (*) Date 11-01-2024 16:06
Very helpful.  That's what I'll do.  Thank you!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Pre-qualified GMAW-P parameters

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