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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / basic welding test?
- - By Stickman Date 08-02-2003 02:52
I saw an ad for, ''someone with basic welding skills'', that could pass the basic welding test. I definetly have 'basic' welding skills but don't have a clue what is on the ''basic welding test'', or where to go to find out. I'm supposed to apply on monday and sure would appreciate some idea of what to expect. I've welded in the past, sporadically, but not sure exactely what is meant by ''basic skills''...
The problem for me is that I don't have a work history for welding, it's only been work done for myself or others, so whether I get this job or not will depend solely on what this basic test is.
I know this is a vague question but it's all I have to go on right now..
thanks for any help you can give..
Parent - - By MikeR (*) Date 08-02-2003 04:06
From what I've experienced, when a shop sais "basic weld test", you'll be sticking scrap together. Sometimes the foreman will be right on top of you, sometimes he'll walk away and come back when you're done. The process and position you'll be using probably depends on what the shop is currently doing or expects to do. Nothing scientific, nothing to worry about if you're any good. And for god sakes DON'T WEAR A SUIT TO A WELD TEST!!!!! Even if you do get hired, you'll have the strange feeling all the rest of the guys are allready making fun of you. (because they are)
Parent - By flatjwl (*) Date 08-02-2003 15:14
My experiences are similar. The employer will sometimes provide a machine which may have settings far removed from the requirements of the job, but when adjusted will work fine. You probably will be expected to know how to make adjustmemts, which electrode (if SMAW) to use, and be able to weld in the flat or horizontal position.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 08-02-2003 15:26
Most likely it will be 2 A36 (mild steel) plates 6" x 12" beveled 30' (60' included) at the butt any where from 1/4" to 1/2" thick in the flat position.

Thats pretty much a basic coupon for a welding test.
Parent - - By MikeR (*) Date 08-02-2003 17:35
You know, I was in the same exact position when I took my first weld test. No work history as a welder at all. You're just going to have to wow them and make them understand that, yes, you do have experience, but it's just not on paper. If they only test you on one material and one process, request more. Force them to see you're good. If you don't actually have the goods for something like that, atleast you stand a chance to get in as a welder's helper/assistant, and learn from there. Every shop is different. I'd call them to see what they want you to test on, so you can be prepared. That first test I was talking about was on 1/2" to 3/4" MS plate w/ dual shield. All I brought were work gloves (thinking I was going to be using short arc) and ended up with a blister the size of a baseball on the back of my left hand. I kept welding, as I truley needed the job. I tried to hide the blister, but the foreman saw it through my glove. (!) (that was the first time I ever ran dual shield, and I was testing uphill........looked horrible) I convinced him to let me run some TIG and some short arc and got the job, and when I showed up, he personally taught me how to run dual shield.

The point to my ramblings is that you never know, so just try your best and be persistant.
Parent - By Stickman Date 08-04-2003 02:43
thanks to all who replied! I appreciate the suggestions and reckon I'll be finding out soon enough. Would have felt better if I could have been practicing a bit, but my welder is in the shop for repairs, so we'll just give it the best and hope it's good enough.....if not, well, there'll be others down the road...
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / basic welding test?

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