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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASME IX 6GR quals
- - By ktemps Date 09-18-2003 23:17
I wish to qualify a 6GR procedure to ASME IX using SMAW & FCAW from one side only.
If the pipe thickness was 20mm what bevel preparations are allowed.
Is only single bevel allowed or could a single vee be used
Thanks for the replies,just to clarify the situation.
I am presently qualifying welders to 6G with a dual procedure of SMAW root and partial fill, followed by completion using FCAW.
The pipe is 200mm diameter and 22mm thick. Preparation is single vee.
I now wish to qualify welders using similar conditions but in 6GR.
Can I simply add a restrictor plate to above test or is a different bevel type required when qualifying to 6GR, for example single bevel?
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 09-19-2003 01:45
You can use any you like. A single bevel or single vee either one. The joint design for ASME is a variable that can be changed withoout requalification for the two processes you listed.

Hope this helps some.

Gerald Austin
Parent - - By insp76 (**) Date 09-20-2003 15:30
Ktemps, with all due respect I ask why would you want to qualify a 6GR for a WPS, usually a 6GR is a welder qualification test for stuctural pipe welding. What kind of welding do you need to qualify for, you want to use smaw and fcaw,ok, what thickness range do you need and what material are you welding. A plate test will be all you need for your procedure. Let us know what your qualification needs are and myself or someone else will be glad to suggest a procedure that will suit your needs.... Have a good one!
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 09-20-2003 16:17
Heres why I have seen this done. It qualifies the welder doing the test for pipe also.

As far as the restriction ring. You have a point.

G Austin
Parent - By insp76 (**) Date 09-20-2003 19:08
Right Gerald, I just mentioned the plate test because it`s a little cheaper. Usually a procedure is performed by a highly trusted welder that has previously been qualified, as you know a failure in a coupon can be costly to the company to rework. As far as the restriction ring is concerned, the client could specify a ring for welder qualification and that would kill two birds with one stone wouldn`t` it. I can remember one of the first qualification test I took was a 6GR,for welding structural pipe on offshore platforms, I was a very young welder and it was quite a challenge but I managed to pull it off. I learned alot about filling big gaps with 5P carrying iron with LH and how high a cranes boom can take you up in a man basket on that job. Have a good one!
Parent - By insp76 (**) Date 09-20-2003 21:35
ktemps, I just noticed after posting a responce you must have edited your first post , but anyway, do you have a copy ASME Sec. IX. If you do ,check out the essential variables for smaw and fcaw, QW-353 and QW-355 , on the top of these tables it says joints, if a restriction ring or joint preperation were defined it would be listed there. You can have any joint preparation or restriction you choose. You must address only the essential variables listed for these processes and record them on the WPQ..... Hope this helps, Have a good one!
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ASME IX 6GR quals

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