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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Rebar certified welder
- - By tlmartn Date 10-02-2003 20:47
If a welder is going to weld rebar to a structural beam or column and the specification is to D1.1; dose the welder need to be rebar certified to D1.4 to weld or may a welder certified to D1.1 weld the rebar to the beam.


Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 10-02-2003 21:20
Per my response to your other post in the Technical section, I feel D1.1 applies to rebar/structural joints. Rebar/rebar joints would be D1.4.
Chet Guilford
Parent - - By tlmartn Date 10-03-2003 15:53
Thanks CHGuilford for your reply.

What is the difference between rebar to embed plates which D1.4 addresses and rebar to structural beams?

Parent - By ASNTIII Date 10-05-2003 07:12
No difference.
Parent - By ASNTIII Date 10-05-2003 07:11
The welder must be certified to D1.1 for the structural steel component and D1.4 for the rebar. They must be certified to both codes. This is the first page of the D1.4.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Rebar certified welder

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