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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Wheres The Jobs ?
- - By testweldguy (**) Date 10-23-2003 13:05
Hey ya'll, They say that there is a shortage of skilled welders,I was just wondering WHERE are all the jobs ???
Just curious...
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-23-2003 14:55
Hi Testweldguy
In Iraq!!! Go to your local Steamfitters Union Hall, and some of the other halls... You'll find that they Want YOU!!! The rest of the jobs, are soon to be outsourced to the rest of the third world if we as the citizens of this great nation continue to stick our heads in the ground, and not do anything about it!!! Remember to Vote otherwise, the people that do not exercise this duty and right as citizens, do not have the right to complain!!! I hope you're not one of those...
In a nutshell, Illegal dumping, and unfair trade practices has caused a steady decline in the amount of welding jobs that pay a decent wage!!!
The Employers in the U.S.A are forced to compete with foreign companies that pay their workers less than half of what they pay over here!!! That's another excuse or reason they use to outsource jobs!!! Remember 9-11-01!!! NEVER FORGET!!! GO YANKEES!!!


SSBN727 Run Silent (except for this)... Run Deep!!!

Parent - - By rodofgod (**) Date 10-25-2003 22:27
I can state that the same applies over here in the U.K.!!!
We seem to be the 'forgotten' trade! when it comes down to it! All too often, some ( MOST ) jobs are advertised at well below 'Union rates'!
With out appearing to be a racist(?) ,over here in Europe we have a problem in that ,refugees from the troubles in central Europe are not aware of our union rights AND WILL work for much less than their skills would dictate!
This to me is wrong!
This is not a 'RACE' problem,it is a goverment problem! If an employer can get the same job done for less, he will do! This has got to be wrong. A man (or woman)has got to be worth a set amount for his or her skills!!!! REGUARDLESS OF RACE OR NATONALLITY!!!!!
Forgive my rant! but I see this issue on a day to day basis now and my temper is wherein thin. I don't like seeing people taken advantaged off!

Glenn Webb
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-27-2003 13:09
Government control of wages in the public economy (men and women being worth a set rate) is socialisim plain and simple. The end product of this system is thousands of equally treated folks waiting in long bread lines together. Remember collective bargaining is an agreement between *private* ownership and workers.

Highly skilled journeymen rarely if ever have trouble finding work to do. The cream always rises.

Next, those immagrants, if they werent making a living wage they would not be living. America is little different. If those folks are in the country legally they have the LIBERTY to work. Forget about rights and plug in the word freedom.

Finally take a peek at the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 20 for a good lesson in Economic ethics without government intervention.

Sometimes we forget the money is not ours until after we have worked for it.


Parent - By testweldguy (**) Date 10-28-2003 16:54
Enough said,Maybe I should quit bitching about my Job so much.Heck, I think that I might have the Job that others would sorta dream of .(low effort,High reward)
Oh- Well, I'll try to adjust my way of thinking ,ya know, the grass is greener thing....I'll now quit babbling .
Yall have a good day.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Wheres The Jobs ?

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