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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Question about tig torch sizes.
- - By T0M (*) Date 10-28-2003 14:06
I am looking for a good tig torch package for the used syncrowave 350LX I am buying.
I will be doing everything from 18 gage aluminum tubing to 5/16" header flanges and suspension parts.

but I was looking at the variety of tig torches and packages and would like to go with a miller diamondback line, however I have I question about the different size torches (125 amp aircooled to 350 amp watercooled)

Are these all the same physical size with different amp ratings? or are they physically different? how so?
There is not much individual information on these torches on millers site.

If I got the 350 amp watercooled would it be able to do the more delicate jobs?
Or do I need to get the 125 amp air cooled torch for the small jobs?

Whats the general consensus on this?

I have read on the net that the bigger torches are bulkier and harder to control for delicate jobs.
I am new to tig and there are no knowledgeable shops around me.
any help would be greatly appreciated.


Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-28-2003 15:58
Hi Tom!
Seems like you already answered your own question but, I would strongly suggest that if you're going to be using this Synchro at both the low end, and at high amperages then, get a 200 air cooled amp torch for the low end, and a 400 amp water cooled torch for the high currents... All you would have to configure is a quick disconnect for the 200 amp torch in order to enable you to "quickly" change to the 400 amp torch, and a "Y" valve for your gas solenoid... If unsure of how to go about configuring the quick disconnect, and where to purchase the "Y" valves, contact your local welding supply distributor/store they'll steer you in the right direction if you pay attention as to what's available, and what's unecessary!!!
Always overrate if you can without sacrificing dexterity!!!
Tom, You mean to say that there are'nt any welding supply stores near your vicinity??? I ask this because, there are quite a few brands out there that will work with your Synchro so, do'nt get too cozy with the diamondback just yet!!! Check out what's out there so that you do'nt regret it later!!! This is the place you go to seeif you like what you're going to be using!!! Do you buy a car without test driving it first???
Go out there, and check them out!!!
Good luck, and all the best!!!


SSBN727 Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - - By T0M (*) Date 10-28-2003 16:13
Thanks for the info. when I say there are no knowledgeable shops around here I really wasnt kidding. all the miller dealers dont actually stock much in their store. So I cant go and look at what I am buying and they couldnt answer any questions that were outside of the info in the 2003 catalog.

You say dont get too cozy with the diamond back, Is there something undesirable about them?

Thanks for the help
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-28-2003 16:23
Hi Tom!
What I mean is simply to try out other brand torches...
Correct me if I'm mistaken, Where you live, do they have any other welding supply stores besides the ones that are exclusively Miller?
I also ask this because, I'm hoping that the miller folks do not have you convinced that the only torch to put on the Synchro is a miller torch, Am I mistaken here????? I ask this because if this is indeed the case then You've been mislead pal!!! YOU CAN PUT ANY TIG(GTAW) TORCH ON A SYNCHROWAVE!!! PERIOD!!! Don't let them mislead you TOM!!!
All the best!!!


Parent - By 49DegreesNorth (**) Date 10-28-2003 20:43

I second that. You might save some dough using a CK torch.
Parent - - By T0M (*) Date 10-29-2003 02:44
well there are three welding shops here.
none of them have any miller tig torches in stock. they both had some generic black ones that I really didnt like.
nobody really said miller was the only way to go, but since my 350LX doesnt have a torch, regulator, ground, or power supply, I though the diamondback package was an easy fix for what I need. now I just need to figure out the size.

Still undecided,
Parent - By ScottV (**) Date 10-29-2003 15:32
Tom,check out the new Binzel line of torches.They are the best deal going anywhere.I picked up a 125 amp air-cooled for about $38.00.I get a discount,but it still will be half of a Weldcraft costs.They even come with the back cap.The are about the same quality.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-29-2003 15:57

I like the smaller water cooled torches, Weldcraft calls it a "WP20" and all the other brands hold to that size coding, so It would be some kind of "20" sized torch. I find the 18s to be too big for comfort.

With a normal cooling system most of these torches are rated at about 250 amps I think. I like the small size because it allows fine work with 0.040 tungstens but has the ability to tackle some pretty big jobs without having to change to bigger more cumbersome gear. They have the same feel as an air cooled torch of the same size but a way higher amperage rating. The only times I've blown these torches up the culprit was invariably a problem with coolant flow.
Parent - - By Dave (**) Date 10-29-2003 17:24

Whatever brand you choose, air or water cooled, keep in mind that you can always do a 100 amp job with a 300 amp torch. It may not be comfortable or easy, but you can do it safely. You cannot safely do a 300 amp job with a 100 amp torch! So, if you're going to limit yourself to one torch bigger is better.

Parent - - By rodofgod (**) Date 10-30-2003 00:35
Hi All!

Tom, my advice to you is 'buy a 'WELDCRAFT' torch!!!! I had one for eight years and it's never let me down! I used to use it on EVERYthing!
I'm not sure what Amps you intend to use, but for 'General' duty a WP17 type torch suit's your needs! If you where to be doing a lot of Heavy duty welding, I would consider the WP26 torch! I can't imagine you'd need more than these two torches for any welding situation! Both 'heads' are interchangeable with others in the weldcraft range, so all your welding needs should be covered without having to change the torch hoses etc. Also, Weldcraft provide a large range of 'accessories' for all their torches, which cover all needs!
Parent - By TiG6al-4v (*) Date 10-30-2003 00:55
I 100% agree with you. Weldcraft is by far the best. I use a wp20 and that size suites all my needs. I am pretty sure its a 200amp rig. I can weld 250+ amps for short bursts. We tried a rig with one of those "flex heads", (ball and socket pivot). I think it was black gold brand. The neck was fat and uncomfortable, the very end of the torch was uneffected by coolant, therefore getting excessively hot. Always favored weldcraft.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Question about tig torch sizes.

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