Inspector362, I got caught the same way a few years back.
Only advise I can give you is; "Take the bull by the horns and run with it". I got a tremendous amount of help right here on this board and I am sure you will also.
Your managers surely do want quality but ther point of view is a lot different from yours and not even as close to detailed. In other words they know what they need but they don't know what it looks like and they have chosen you to provide it. The challenge is putting it in a package they can deal with.
Don't bore them with details unless they ask, give them gains and losses or percentages.
I adapted the policy that, I could do what ever I felt needed to be done until I was told other wise.
You need a Tech writer? Convince them of the advantages in production increases or cost savings.
And most of all don't be bashful about asking for help and advise here, thats what this Forum is all about.
You can click on most any ones handle and confer privately also.