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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / A Veteran's Day Salute!
- - By rangerod (**) Date 11-08-2003 00:44
Here is something I posted on the Hobart Site.

I would just like to send a shout out to all the Veterans who in the past & present dedicated a priceless part of their lives in defense of this great nation of ours. A special thanks goes out to the service men & women who have sacrificed the ultimate gift, THEIR LIVES for all of us without hesitation. These Great Americans are truly the only reason we all get to freely go about with our daily lives. I humbly take my hat off to all of you & at 11:00am on, 11 Nov 03, I will be lifting up a glass of champagne in your honor.
Parent - - By - Date 11-08-2003 04:13
I do too,I want to thank them for my(our) very freedom to live or lives like we do,My grandpa loaded bombs onto bombers in World War 2.I feel thankful for the freedoms the u.s. has.The reason there is war is because other countries feel jealousy because they do not have the same freedom!...God Bless The USA....remember 9/11
Parent - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 11-08-2003 12:39
Yep, free to build, worship,work,play,learn. Thank you to all those who served.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 11-10-2003 19:41
I agree entirely with you, gentlemen. We should honor those who died for our respective countries.
However, if I were you, I wouldn't drink a glass of champagne. Instead, I would attend a religious worship, as I actually did last Saturday, November 8, to pray for the souls of those who fell for my country.
No matter if the religion is protestant, catholic, jewish or any other. At this time of my life I'm convinced that God is only one, and the different religions that exist are different ways that humankind has found to cultuate Him.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By rangerod (**) Date 11-11-2003 06:06
Giovanni S. Crisi

Thats what makes the United States Of America what it is, you can honor the fallen & the people serving presently as you choose. I choose to do it both ways. God Bless You.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / A Veteran's Day Salute!

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