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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Difficulty starting arc for aluminum tig
- - By firewelder Date 11-10-2003 01:39
When starting the arc on aluminum tig (radiators and intercoolers) the arc "buzzes" around the tungsten for a few seconds before smoothing out.This seems to shorten the life of the tip and I need to reprep tungsten. I use pure tungsten balled. I have read some forums stating they use ceriated or zirconium tungsten. Would like any and all info/help including specifics and prep. I am using a Miller 250 sync on AC. Thanks
Parent - - By brande (***) Date 11-10-2003 05:11
That can be a problem. A balled tungsten on AC has a very specific amp range where it will work. A heavier diameter pure or zirc tungsten will not run at low amps. If using a foot amp control, you are starting at low amps and ramping up. The time you are at lo amps causes the instability.

On heavier material, a quick fix is to "nail' the foot control and then back off to a good running amperage.
Working on radiators, intercoolers and other thin stuff, we do not have that luxury.

Two remedies I can recommend.

1. Use a zirc, lanthanated or ceriated (stay away from pure-it just doesn't run as well as the others) in the proper diameter for the amp range you anticipate. I've run zirc as skinny as .040 with good results-off a Miller Syncro 250, no less.
Amperage ratings for tungsten are easily available from most of the major welder mfg, or got to

2. If a larger tungsten is all you have, grind it to a point much like you do when welding DC, leaving a very slight flat on the point. Find a clean piece of material and just use enough amps to "ball" this point just slightly.

Start your welding, the ball will start well, but only get as large as needed. If you are easy on the foot control-don't go higher than needed-you will have a "custom pointed electrode" that should work well.

I weld a number of intercoolers used on the turbo japanese car setups. For the most part, 3/32 pointed zirc works well. A few designs require 1/16.

Keep in mind that in this type of work, especially on AC, a very short arc is essential. If your arc is over 1/8" long-it is too long. Keep it tight.

Hope this helps a little. Keep in touch-let us know how you make out!!

Good Luck

Parent - By firewelder Date 11-10-2003 19:35
I will try the zirk tungsten. I will use the "nail" start method. I have tried this before and it did seem to help. It does seem to be a low amp problem. My machine does have a high freq. adjustment. It is set at 50%.Thanks for the help.
Parent - By bmaas1 (***) Date 11-10-2003 16:40
These are all good remedies. Do you have a high freq adjustment on your machine?

Brian Maas
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Difficulty starting arc for aluminum tig

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