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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Waiting......and Waiting...
- - By jwwinsp Date 11-17-2003 02:01
Why does it take 8 weeks to get CWI results back when we tested on a SCANTRON answer sheet?

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-17-2003 13:31

Normally it doesn't 8 weeks and, in my own experience, AWS has sped up their processing considerably compared to say, 10 to 15 years ago. What happens is test sheets are brought in from all over the world, they are then sorted into groups and scanned.

The scanning part is not "fail-safe" and it isn't unusual for the person doing the scanning to have to seek technical assistance if there are problems (the person doing the scannning isn't qualified as an inspector or necessarily even knowledgable in welding, they are clerical).

Also, the AWS Certification Department processes an enormous amount of paperwork; not just the CWI tests but also renewals, new applications, etc. The 8 weeks you are told to wait is just to allow enough time to assure your results will be back.
Parent - - By kam (**) Date 11-17-2003 16:23
It took me 13 weeks to get my results.....and now for the rest of the story.

After completing the exam we were told that it could take up to 12 weeks to get the results. I waited .....and waited....and waited....finally i deceided to call and see what is going on. Found out that our company did not pay the bill so they withheld the results......UGH

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-17-2003 16:52
Well, if I'm not mistaken AWS only asks that you wait 8 weeks before calling to check on your results. I've never heard of the 12 week waiting time before. If results were not forthcoming by the eighth week I would personally draw up an e-mail or call the certification director and make a complaint. I think, for the most part, the results have been coming quicker than they have in the past. Good luck and tell your company to pay the bill! :)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-17-2003 19:00
Mine was nine weeks out from the test date. I waited the eight weeks like I was told and called on the ninth. They first told me that they hadn't received payment, I knew that wasn't right because they won't even let you take the exam without payment(my company's check was sent in several weeks earlier). They called me back and said that they found where it had been posted as paid and then they told me I didn't send them the record of my eye exam. (I did send it in the package, I even had an extra copy for myself) Anyway, they didn't have it or couldn't find it, so they didn't process it. I faxed them a copy and sent them another hard copy in the mail. Shortly thereafter, the package came in the mail with everything included.
John Wright
Parent - By jwwinsp Date 11-18-2003 03:31
Actually, They will let you take the exam without pre-paying it. I know because I just sat for the exam on 11/8 and mailed my payment on 11/14 after recieving thier invoice on 11/13. They will however hold your test results until payment is made and visual accuity form is completed and recieved.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-17-2003 19:05
How did you get to take the exam without prepayment? They were turning people away for no record of payment the day I took the exam.
just curious,
John Wright

See post below.........
Parent - - By jwwinsp Date 11-18-2003 03:32
John, they never even ask me about payment. For that matter, I don't think it was brought up with anyone at all. This was Beaumont, Tx. Site 11004.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-18-2003 22:02
Reply to all,
I received an email explaining the way things are done at the examination sites and I had mis-understood why some people in the line in front of myself were turned away. I saw them looking over a list and asking their names thinking that they were looking at a list to see if the fees had been paid. I thought this was the reason for those guys being turned away that day. The email explained that AWS does indeed let inviduals test without payment, only to hold the results until payment is made. Several CWI's in out area received their results back in four to five weeks after examination. Mine was delayed I feel because I didn't call earlier and check up on it. I would encourage anyone that hasn't heard anything in several weeks to call and make sure everthing is in order and they aren't waiting for info needed to process.
Sorry for the mis-info,
John Wright
Parent - - By kam (**) Date 11-18-2003 13:09
Come to think of it maybe it was 8 weeks that I waited instead of 12 that I stated in my earlier post....old age is hell.

Prior to taking the test I gave them a P.O. number from my company and that was all they needed. But as I have found out while working for big companies is that having a P.O. from one of them does not mean that you are going to get paid in a timely manner. Accountants play all kinds of tricks with suppliers, mainly delaying payments as long as possible, so they can have use of the money for longer periods of time and thus make interest off the cash. That is what they were doing here and consequently my results were needs them...hahha


Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 11-18-2003 14:25
Not necessarily trying to defend or attack accountants but they are useful for issuing my paycheck :)
Chet Guilford
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Waiting......and Waiting...

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