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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Can we certify a welder?
- - By MBlaha (***) Date 11-18-2003 22:14
I went with my son today to sign up for the Boilermaker's Apprenticeship program. He will move to the upper part of the list if he has a welding certification. It does not need to be from a particular company, just a certification. What I am wondering is if we can use a prequalified WPS from D1.1 and test him to it if we fill out a WPQTR taken from D1.1?
He had welding in the vocational school I taught for and I have been teaching him myself which is what I did for 5 years at a manufacturing facility as well as working as a Boilermaker (tube welding included in all factions (including mirrors). I have all the confidence in the world in his ability. We just need a cert that says he can do it. It will not be anything that he will be able to use on a job as all the work we do is ASME.
Being a CWI, I will not witness the results. I will have another CWI do that. In fact, I will not even be present when he tests.
I hope this makes sence and everyone understands what I am trying to help him with.
All I am trying to do is give him some help getting in sooner or even at all. He will still have to attend all the classes, do his lesson plans, and prove that he is capable of performing the work to graduate from the apprentiship program, including taking a 6G GTAW root and SMAW fill and cover pass.
Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.


Parent - - By Neal Chapman (**) Date 11-19-2003 01:31
Will your local let him test under the "Common Arc" procedure. This is where they test a gang at one time with several contractors on site. Other than that there are test facilities (companies) in most larger communities that will do this. Try going to one of the local AWS Section meetings, someone there should be able to help. I think there are some CWIs that will certify an individual and have the bend test equipment available.

I think AWS HQ has a list of Authorized AWS Test Facilities you might want to contact them, ask for the Certification Department.

Good luck
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 11-19-2003 17:33

The local is not doing Common Arc until March. They are taking in 10 apprentices in January and he has until Dec. 18th 2003 to come up with the certification.
I appreciate your ideas though.
Yes, we had intened on giving him a 6G with GTAW root and SMAW fill and cover passes on a 2" Schedule 80. Then cutting and bending 2 face and 2 root.
I will check with AWS about testing facilities nearby.

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-19-2003 13:06

I see nothing at all wrong with the approach you described and know of no restrictions that would prohibit doing exactly that, but I also believe what Neal mentioned would be a much "cleaner" way to do things. Sounds to me like your son has an excellent role model, keep up the great work!
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-19-2003 14:03
I like Jon20013's and Neal's comments too.
John Wright
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 11-20-2003 00:00
As far as ASME goes there is nothing that prohibits ANY organization from testing and certifying a welder in accordance with their requirements.

A "Manufacturers Representative" is all that is required. Not even a CWI.

My prior certification really helped me get through. GO FOR IT.

I have been in the boilermakers about a year now and I have much more to experience as far as the organization goes but I am convinced there would be more people interested in getting in or organizing if they new a little more about it. Maybe a new post sometime :)

Have a good day

Gerald Austin
Parent - By vonash (**) Date 11-21-2003 20:26
What you are doing is fine. If he can weld out the coupon and it passes the required X-ray or bend tests, he is a qualified welder who can be certified to weld for any company who will hire him. The union is cool. If it were my son I'd take this same approach.

Try Sherry labs or someone like that for your proof/acceptance tests and they will provide you with the papers. Anyone who has the experience stated in AWS D1.1 can witness these tests. They are not required to be a CWI. ( check it out guys). It is good that you are a CWI. I wish you the best.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Can we certify a welder?

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