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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / new dynasty 200dx, need ac tig advice
- - By mcwelding (**) Date 11-22-2003 14:53
hey all,
i bought a new dynasty200dx months ago. i have done alot of stick welding with it, 6010, 7018. anyway, i tried to tig some alum polished 1/8 diamond plate with the ceriated tungstun, and had problems. the book had a sample 1/8 alum parameter setup. my problem was using the pulse. i turned it off and it worked. i have no clue about the pulse, balance, fregeuncy, etc. i know how to weld well. it is just all these new buttons i dont understand. i puchased this machine mainly for alum. tig. the diamond plate job i finished it with my other machine cause i didnt have time to experiment. now im caught up and have time to experiment. can someone give me some directions on setup for ac and dc tig on this dynasty? as far as dc tig, of course it would be for pulsed tig. thanks alot for any input.

Parent - By sparx (**) Date 11-22-2003 15:22
I have played with this machine for a while now, and found that it is the best machine in it's class for aluminum tig. The pulse feature is great for stainless or light steel. I have played with the pulse mode on aluminum and found it to be a bit of too much trial and error. As for the frequency adjustment and A/C balance, these features will make this machine worth the money. As for setting up the machine, if you are doing filet welds on aluminum, use a higher frequency. (I usually standardize on around 200 Hz.) this will help to direct the arc straight off of the tungsten. (note, using a 2%ceriated tungsten works best here, sharpened to a modified point. i.e. sharpen as a thoriated tungsten and touch off the point to a flat about .025 or .035 accross). If you are working on outside corners, use a lower frequency, i.e. 30 Hz to provide a softer arc. As for the wave balance, 50% is usually ideal unless the plate is really dirty, and you need the cleaning of an unbalanced wave.
I hope this helps, and good choice on the machine.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-25-2003 13:09
This explains some of the features. Gives a couple of tips regarding the shape of the electrode, ect...
hope this helps,
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / new dynasty 200dx, need ac tig advice

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