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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Using MIG with Fasless Flux-Cored?
- - By gangel99 (*) Date 11-27-2003 18:34
I have a small mig (Lincoln SP135+) that works great for thin steel. However, I want to build some equipment from 1/4" mild steel. According to the manual I can do this by using gasless flux cored wire (.035") , switch to DC(-), and do multiple passes.

Does this work well? Should I just buy a used stick welder (they run $70-$100 around here) that can weld 1/4" in a single pass?

It is a fairly small project so another possible alternative is to use my OA setup for the welding.
Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 11-27-2003 20:25
Use your lincoln SP135+. Turn the voltage to max and wire feed to the 2nd lowest setting and it should work fine for you.
Parent - - By gangel99 (*) Date 11-28-2003 17:42
Were you recommending using solid core wire with these settings or flux cored? It occurred to me that I might get away with the solid core wire by beveling the pieces to improve the penetration.
Parent - By GRoberts (***) Date 12-01-2003 03:13
I was talking about using self-shielded flux core wire. with a 1/4" thick butt weld, bevel your pieces 30 degrees per side, and leave a 1/4" root gap. (with backing), or leave a 1/16" land and butt the pieces up and back grind when finished with the root pass. If you go with the 1/4" root gap, you can probably finish with 3-4 passes depending on your technique.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-28-2003 14:33
Just to suppliment the good advice of GRoberts, Know that E71T-11 (Hobart Fabshield 26 or Lincoln NR-211MP ) gasless filler does not really love multipass welding, but it can be done, in order to do it with maximum performance take great care to remove the slag from the toes of the weld after every pass. With your setup and thicknesses 1/4 inch and over, a little preheat with your Oxy-fuel rig might be a good thing.

Or if you just happen to have a big wad of cash burning a whole in your pocket try Thats a bargain at $7.50 U.S. per page eh?


Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Using MIG with Fasless Flux-Cored?

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