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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / WQT FOR P-44 Vs P-42
- - By SUNDARAVEL Date 12-02-2003 01:25
Can the welder who is qualified in P-44 Material be used for welding P-42 Material in GTAW process?

Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 12-02-2003 03:25
If you are talking about ASME IX performance qualification and the only difference in the weld procedure is P-44 vs. P-42, I'd say yes based on QW-423.
Parent - - By JINX (*) Date 12-02-2003 22:26
SUNDARAVAL, The other variable is the F number. If you have a ASME Sec. IX code book, review QW-356 Manual and Semiautomatic Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding Essential Variables for welding performance qualification. As you go down the list of variables, QW-404 .15 states a change in a F number as an essential variable. This means if a welder is qualified on P42 with a F42 filler electode, and he will be welding to parameters listed on a P44 procedure with a F44 electrode, the person is not qualified to weld P44 base material. A seperate test is required on P44 base metal using a F44 filler electode.
Parent - - By Niekie3 (***) Date 12-03-2003 20:15
Hi Jinx

I believe that this is not entirely correct. See paragraph QW-433 "Alternate F-Numbers for Welder Performance Qualification". Here it states that a qualification on F-No 34 or any F-No 41 through F-No 45 qualifies all F-No 34 and F-No 41 through F-No 45.

Niekie Jooste
Parent - By JINX (*) Date 12-03-2003 21:28
Hi Niekie,

I looked up QW-433, and you are right it is clearly states the "Alternate" F- Numers the welder is "Qualified With". I should have turned a few more pages in the code book, and I would have stumbled onto QW-433.
Thank you for the correction, and I sure do appreciate your feed back.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / WQT FOR P-44 Vs P-42

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