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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pulse settings for Dynasty DX 200??
- - By DEA Date 12-14-2003 14:29
I'm a beginer in welding and have a DX 200.
Does anyone have some of the pulser settings or setup for the dynasty?I think if I had some of the setup settings I would have a better understanding of the pulse.
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 12-14-2003 23:05
With all the control adjustments possible first set up the machine as a standard square wave AC. Put 60 hertz as the AC frequency, set the balance control at 50/50 negative/positive. For pulsing Set the peak amperage at 200 amps. Set the background at 25% of peak that would be 50 amps. Set the % time at peak amperage at 50%. Set the pulses at 1 pulse per second. Now the hard part, adjust one and only one control at a time. That is start with lowering and raising only the value of background amperage from the original 50%. Note, WRITE IT DOWN, what happened. Return the value to 50%. Now move another variable say pulses per second. Repeat over and over for each control returning each control to the original values before moving to another control. You will have a wealth of notes of each controls function and start mixing and matching control settings. WPS spells out voltage, amperage and travel speed. All the other controls makes us better welders with greater weld control.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pulse settings for Dynasty DX 200??

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