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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Whats the deference Between........
- - By qa Date 12-18-2003 19:13
I have a question about qualifitions of welding.
If a welder is qualified in the 6g position on pipe, does that make him technically qualified for plate in 6g?
And, Is there any diference between the qualification of full penetration welds and parical penetration welds.
Someone told me that parcial penetration welds were clasified as a fillet.
For example; V grove plate weld, but its not required to have full penetration weld.

Parent - By Niekie3 (***) Date 12-18-2003 19:59
Hi qa

I assume you are referring to ASME IX welder qualifications. (Let me know if I am wrong!)

Firstly, 6G is only a pipe test position. There is no plate 6G position. Also, welding in one of the test positions (1G, 2G - 6G) does not qualify you for welding any other test position. Rather, a test position qualifies the welder to weld in certain production positions. Thes positions are: Flat(F), Horizontal(H), Vertical(V), and Overhead(O) If you are qualified in a 6G position, you are able to weld all production positions on pipe or plate.

In ASME IX, there is not really a differentiation between full and partial penetration welds where welder qualification is concerned. The only real differentiation is between groove and fillet welds. If a groove weld is to be welded, (see the definition in the definitions section of ASME IX) the welder will be qualified to weld to the deposited thickness he qualified. If he has a thicker base metal than his deposited metal thickness, but he only needs to deposit a partial penetration weld, then he would be qualified to do this as long as this deposited thickness falls within the range qualified.

Hope this helps.

Niekie Jooste
Fabristruct Solutions
Parent - By Dagwood (*) Date 12-18-2003 20:04
6G qualification on pipe qualifies the welder to all position plate. Plate positions are as follows 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G. There is no 6G plate qualification. (Doesn't exist) Just watch the thicknesses used.
My understanding is that full penetration welds qualify for both full and partial penetration welds while partial penetration welds only qualify for partial penetration welds. (Welder qualification only) My knowlege of D1.1 is a bit limited because I use a Canadian standard. (W47.1 and W59) They are very similar, but not the same.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-19-2003 17:55
If D1.1 is the code in question you'll need to check out Table 4.9 for Production Positions qualified based on the test taken. Observe all the notes associated with each part of the table. Table 4.10 shows Ranges of Thicknesses and Diameters qualified based on the test taken and also watch the notes.
Hope this helps,
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Whats the deference Between........

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