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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding Qualification
- - By RButler (*) Date 12-19-2003 12:00
Does anyone out there in the fabrication world have a GMAW filler metal that will satisfy the following requirements?

Welding P1 G2 material to itself. Impact testing not required. Qualification with A516 Gr. 70 plate. Production with A-216 WCB castings.
Qualification base matal thickness 4 inches.
Normalize at 1700 F followed by temper at 1150 F post weld heat treatment.
70 KSI tensile strength required for the above conditions.

Ron B
Parent - By GRoberts (***) Date 12-19-2003 15:51
Most of my experience with N&T PWHT is with SMAW or FCAW, but I can tell you what we normally get. With 7018 & E70T-1, we have a few procedures with N & T at 1125F that have a 70ksi min tensile(barely), but they weren't on 4" thick plate, and you are tempering 25F hotter, so I wouldn't count on those to make it. We have also used E7018-A1 and E80T1-A1 with a 1175F temper, on 4" thick plates, and we were lucky to make our base metal requirement of 65ksi. It is easy to make 70ksi with Cr-Mo material such as 9018-B3 and 90T1-B3, but you probably don't want to have to bother with the high preheat that would be required if you can avoid it. With welding procedures where the heat treat is a N&T, the consumable that matches the base metal closest would obviously work the best, but it is typically hard to find one with carbon as high as the base metal. If I was trying to qualify procedures for your situation, I would probably look at 100T5-D2 or 10018-D2 or ER80S-D2 and try and get the highest carbon level available.
Parent - - By RButler (*) Date 12-19-2003 16:55
Thanks for the reply Mr. Roberts.

I have completed two tests on 4" plate with a 400 F preheat and slow cool to ambient tempeature. Test #1 was with ER80S-D2 filler metal. All eight tensile samples broke in the ductile weld between 67,500 Ksi and 69,000 Ksi.
Test # 2 was done under the same conditions with ER90S-B3 and 4 samples broke in the ductle weld beewteen 68.5 Ksi and 69,000 Ksi. The othe samples broke between 67.5 and 68.5 Ksi in the base metal.
Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

R Butler
Parent - By GRoberts (***) Date 12-19-2003 18:25
When we ran 90T1-B3, but on a 4" plate, we did a N&T with the temper being 1300F for 22 hours, and the tensile tests came out at 80-81 ksi. The chem was .09C, .71Mn, 2.47Cr, and 1.05Mo. I am really surprised your 90S-B3 test came out so low, as your tempering temperature is a lot lower than normal for this kind of alloy. Also, what kind of gas are you using? If you are using 75/25, switching to something like 98/2 might increase the tensile strength enough to put you over the top. If you have to stay with GMAW, you might look at ER100S-1 (we passed a 90ksi min N&T with SMAW 10018M and a 1190 temper) or a metal cored wire. There is more flexibility in getting a metal cored wire than solid wire and you might be able to find one that suits your needs more closely. Unfortunately, N&T applications are out of the norm, so I haven't found manufacturers to be able to offer much help with these kind of issues either. Also, what kind of tensile specimens are you using? I have found that .505 diameter specimens are not the best when your tensile strength is close. You might try as large of rectangular specimens that you can get pulled, and the tensile usually goes up a few KSI. It also is a more realistic test than the little round tensiles, so it's not even really "cheating".
Parent - By RButler (*) Date 12-22-2003 12:26
Thanks for the information about the tensile sample sizes. The GMAW gas we used was Argon/ Oxygen 98/2 %.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding Qualification

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