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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MIG Welders
- - By Quint Date 12-24-2003 17:21
I am in the market for a light duty mig. I am considering the Lincoln 175+ and the Millermatic 175. Any suggestions as to which would be best and why? Thanks.
Parent - - By ScottV (**) Date 12-25-2003 17:35
I would go to the Hobart board,and ask Dan what he thought of his MM175.He loves his MM 210,and the 251 he has used.He pretty much buys blue every time,and has been less then thrilled with his MM 175.It has wire feed tracking,and it causes him problems.The Lincoln SP 175 Plus does not have that setup,and is much easier to dial in.The Lincolns have been made a lot longer,and weld better.I bet you will see a new improved version of the mm 175 pretty soon.The Lincolns arc is just bothered less by less than perfect welding conditions.Head to your local muffer shop,and look around what machines are in use,and ask some questions.Be sure to weld with both if you can.Notice the arc starts on both.
Parent - By Quint Date 12-25-2003 22:32
My son's best friend is a welder just recently out of school. He said the shop he worked in had almost exclusively Miller migs. They had a couple of Lincolns, but he said no one liked them because the wire feed was not consistent. I did not ask him what models of either they were using. Thanks for the info.
Parent - - By Quint Date 12-25-2003 22:34
Do you have a link to the Hobart board?
Parent - By ScottV (**) Date 12-26-2003 03:25
Here you go.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / MIG Welders

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