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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / HENROB GAS OR TIG??
- - By gassedup Date 12-31-2003 03:07
I have done a lot of mig welding building and modifying cars from structural frames to sheetmetal work with my HTP mig welder with great success. I think is time to move up to TIG for cleaner welds and to weld larger range of materials. Some old timers are telling me to buy a oxy set up with a Henrob or Meco torch set up instead or atleast as a learning device?? Anybody have any success with these set ups?? I will keep the mig for frame stuff but want neater more accurate welds in high visibility areas. Any thought on the above?? The torches do look interesting for sheetmetal work do to the workability of the weld. Thanks
Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 12-31-2003 07:19
go w/ the TIG. they're just telling you to get a torch set-up because that's how they were taught how to weld, or at least that's how they heard their friends were taught how to weld. torch welding is more of an artform nowadays, and it's slow and restricted to mostly mild steel (aluminum if you're REALLY good). learning how to TIG is one of the hardest methods of welding to learn because of the accuracy and dexterity it requires. but once you learn the tricks, you'll find yourself wanting to weld everything w/ it because of the pretty beads it makes. spend the extra money for the TIG and you'll be happy.
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 12-31-2003 11:35
Meco was bought out by Victor and is no longer available. You cannot even get parts for them.

Parent - - By dee (***) Date 12-31-2003 19:53
Welderguy makes a good point, but I just have to add that I cannot imagine a shop without at least a small oxyacetylene torch of some kind... there's too many times a bit of real heat can be indispensible, and on those grounds I can't stand behind the opinion that investment in a torch will in any way be wastefull.

As a learning device oxyfuel will do no harm. Heat input and distortion is more of an issue but the best investment in learning aids comes in the form of structured, formal lessons; teaching yourself guarantees your teacher will know no more about the subject than you do already.
I side with the old timers; you need a torch in your toolbox anyway, although Welderguy spoke some important truths. If you take a course at a tech school follow their advice; it stands to reason that if you're taking an informal course led by some respected old-timers it might be best to follow their advice also. Argueably it's an easier first-step.

Certainly you don't NEED to learn to torch weld to be able to handle TIG but the additional process knowledge won't make your brain explode either.
Like Gene Autry's horse Trigger (or was it Silver?) who knew how to perform complex calculus by stomping it's hoof but couldn't do trigonometry... think he really knew mathematics? (It took me 30 years to understand what my teacher was trying to communicate by that- if anyone misses the point I apologize on his behalf)


Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 01-01-2004 06:24
Gene Autry's horse was Champion, Trigger was Roy Roger's, Silver the Lone Ranger's. I watched the first runs of all those on TV, thus I admit to oldness.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 01-01-2004 19:11
Wow ur old. You forgot Jingles & Buttermilk though. Oops I guess I dated my self also.
Parent - - By dee (***) Date 01-02-2004 06:47
In the event anyone is trying to follow gassedup's question he's begun a new thread called "DECISION TIME PLEASE HELP"... he's trying to solve a problem while we (speaking for myself only) goof-off and reminicse.

Anyway my teacher, Bill Cost, (now departed) had made the point that the inevitable change of subject and distraction from the original issue was in fact intended to help make his point; I'm afraid I'm still working on understanding that part of it.

OK wiseguys, who was Grandma Frisbee?

Fact is I can barely remember THEM let alone their horses names unless I don't really want to know...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I was lucky enough to have actually shaken Gene Autry's hand while he was at the Trenton Fairground sometime around '58 or so... a little while later I fell down some steps wearing my brand new cowboy boots and broke that wrist, so really, I didnt wash my hand for weeks! Maybe that explains my CRS syndrome, huh, you "oldtimers"? To hear you describe it Bill I'd have thought you picked 'em up on the radio or at the Rialto, by crackee!


(final trivia- did you know "Yippie-I-O-Ki-A" is French? It was extracted from a Louisiana folksong)

Happy Trails!

Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-02-2004 07:07
I was gonna reminisce with you old timers until I realized that I wasn't even born when ol... or should I say "Old" Dee shook that hand.

Well I guess that proves I'm still a pup! and...

its past my bed time
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 01-03-2004 04:13
I did listen to the Lone Ranger on the radio. And Jack Benny, and the Shadow... They should bring back story-telling on the radio, It's possible to build mental pictures that you could never do special effects for. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy on BBC is a recent example. Great as a radio show but less effective on TV.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / HENROB GAS OR TIG??

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