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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / mig opinions needed, please
- - By mrjata Date 12-31-2003 06:18
Finally! Someplace with real experts in the the field! I am thinking very seriously of getting a Miller 135 or the Hobart sister. Most of my welding is 1/4" and thinner. If it is thicker, I have to get ol' red-arc out but then I never get over 105A. Right now, I am using much more gas and coat hangers to weld on the farm than arc. Light tubing and sheet stuff are most of my projects. I am infatuated with the idea of taking the welder to the field too. Am I wasting my time for even thinking about a 135? Second point: Is there a great difference between the Hobart and the Miller? The only thing I can see(with the untrained eye) is that Hobart has a plastic wire feed housing and Miller is Cast alum. I would definately welcome your thoughts!! Trying to get my local Miller dealer to cut me a deal too, not having much luck. I am not a welder by trade, obviously. I own a Hi-Pro-Power Racing Fuel co. and Johnson Hay Source, commercial hay farms. Reply here or mail me (
Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 12-31-2003 07:12
the miller....good machine, good price.
Parent - By Neal Chapman (**) Date 12-31-2003 16:34
I use the Miller 135 and run it off my 6kw generator when needed. Works well for dock, auto, and light farm work. I use ESAB .030" Core Shield or Dual Sheild wire with it.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / mig opinions needed, please

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