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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / DECISION TIME PLEASE HELP
- - By gassedup Date 01-02-2004 03:23
I should have explained in previous post that I already have Oxt set up that I use for just about everything but welding. Anyway I have decided to purchase Tig this week so I will have all bases covered. Choices are Miller 180, Lincoln 175, and HTP 220 which is most expensive. Problem is I have home based shop and am limited on amps on 220 service. HTP unit runs on 30 amps where I am told other two need a lot more service? I know nothing about electrical service and really just want to weld not become an electrician in the process. Too many trades to have to be good at in life and electrician is one I have no interest in. I don't want to get into taking welder apart or modifying anything I just want to concentrate on welds. Anybody using any of these on 30amp circuit?? Or better yet tell me what servive is needed and real opinions buy actual welders as to which is better for this service. Thanks and I appreciate all opinions as this is new territory for me. What do I need to run these welders????
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 01-02-2004 04:53
At max rated output-Miller 180 draws 54 amps at 230 volts, Lincoln 175 draws 53 amps at 230 volts. Expect less input when using lower settings.
Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 01-02-2004 17:59
it would actually be pretty easy to wire in a new circuit for your welder. all you need is some wire rated for 50 amps and a 2-pole 50 amp breaker to put into your circuit breaker box. but, since you don't have any experience w/ wiring, I wouldn't recommend even messing w/ your breaker box, since you can touch the wrong things in there and get quite the zap. I was running my Thermal Arc 185 off of a 20 amp breaker and it would trip the breaker every once in a while, but I think if i had at least a 30 amp breaker it would have been fine. If you're gonna have the welder turned up all the way you better have at least a 50 amp breaker or bigger.
Parent - - By gassedup Date 01-05-2004 17:21
I think I am ok with power as I had electrician buddy look at specs of machines I was interested in and said no problem upgrading my power source if needed. I a really appreciate info as I don't have any contacts regarding different machines. I searched old messages and everybody seams on the fence between Lincoln 175 and Miller 180? What about HTP 220 or Thermal Arc185?? I really just want to get best deal for my money and don't want to get it home to realize it doesn't have features or needs some $500 adapter to run properly. Thanks again.
Parent - By Ed Mc (*) Date 01-05-2004 19:07
The T/A185 will cost you about 1700.00 plus or minus with everything you need except a bottle of Argon. Some prefer a transformer type machine over an inverter type so you'll have to decide for yourself. Inverters have less weight, less current draw and most have pulse, sequencing etc. Since they are mostly comprised of electronic circuit boards the cost to repair can be higher.
Hope this is of some help.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / DECISION TIME PLEASE HELP

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