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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Oxy-fuel or Flux-core wire welder?
- - By wnc (*) Date 01-11-2004 22:25
I've been putting back some money to invest in either an oxy-fuel setup or one of the flux-core wire feed welders. Only problem is, I can't decide which is going to serve me the best. I'm thinking the oxy-fuel setup will have the most advantage in being able to cut, heat and weld. I'm sure the flux-core wire welder would work also, but don't have the advantage of being able to cut or heat with it. The main reason behind all this is that I hope to try for my welding certificate this upcoming Fall at the local community college and would like to get started while I have a little time. I'm on a pretty limited budget and have most all I need for the oxy-fuel except a torch, but I'm willing to wait a bit longer if I should go the way of the wire welder.
Anyone in the mood to offer some advice?...I'd sure appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 01-11-2004 23:41
Really, you need both as a torch and a welder go hand in hand...
Perhaps you can pinch pennies and buy used equipment to save some money.
Good Luck!
Parent - By dee (***) Date 01-12-2004 00:09
Let me be first to wellcome you here! [I tried but Tim beat me to it]

I believe your observation is a valid one about the versitilty of the oxyfuel as a shop tool. It's the route I would be inclined to suggest. I'd point out another advantage... that little oxyfuel will probably be a sure-thing... it's pretty easy to calculate a torch's capacity... but there are more subtle issues with an arc welder that won't become clear until after you develop some arc experience. It'd be unfortunate to buy a rig before you start and wind up saving for a new one sometime before you graduate.
If you pick up a decent torch used the investment should be modest if you have regulators and tanks already. Go ahead and buy it.

My opinion is that controll of the effects of heat is perhaps the lion's share of welding- even if you never, ever in your life lay down a serviceable weld with a torch you will still be exposed to those phenomenon.

By the time you are done your course you may decide on a different process that requires a constant current, rather than constant voltage as does flux core... a truism I've discovered is that the time and care applied to a decision should be inversely proportional to it's impact on one's budget.

Good luck with whatever course you take in selecting equipment for the course you want.

Parent - By welder_guy2001 (***) Date 01-12-2004 19:17
If it's a whole certificate program, they might just start you out w/ oxy-acetylene welding or stick welding, then pipe welding w/ stick, then MIG or Flux-core, then TIG welding. But that might all depend on their criteria and what you actually want to do.

An oxy-fuel setup is a necessity for cutting and heating steel, but for welding it's not very practical these days. MIG welding has basically taken the place of oxy-fuel when it comes to welding sheetmetal up to 1/8" thick. it's good to learn the process and techniques of oxy-fuel welding because you'll use those skills in TIG welding.
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 01-13-2004 05:37
I'm with those above choosing between having an oxy-fuel and an electric machine is almost like asking should I get food or water, sooner or later you'll want both. Have you considered a stick machine? I like the versatility and an entry level machine doesn't cost too much.
Parent - - By dee (***) Date 01-13-2004 22:17
As you guys know I tend to ramble on in 2000 words or more just to say "yes"... but I was alluding to the convenience of a stick machine myself and accept it to be the logical basic all-around electric welder of choice. Thats it's traditional role in industry as well as on the farm and at home.
On the other hand, when a guy asks how to get to Chicago, we're often trying to convince him the climate is better this time of year in Orlando... I'm trying to help the guy get where he wants to go (despite the fact I think he'll pick Orlando in the end)
I liked how you handled it.

Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 01-14-2004 03:19
Thanks- I saw that you mentioned constant current but wasn't sure if the questioner would know what that was.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Oxy-fuel or Flux-core wire welder?

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