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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS D1.1 test plate material
- - By G Mulee (*) Date 01-27-2004 12:07
Am I correct in assuming that for Welder Qualification any material listed in D1.1 can be used as the test plate material to qualify a welder for all materials listed in D1.1?

Example: A 3/8" plate test taken on A36 would qualify a welder for welding any material listed in D1.1 Table 3.1 for which I have an D1.1 qualified or prequalified WPS within the limits of that WPS for the same welding process, filler metal etc.

I have not been able to find a specific reference in D1.1 to test plate, pipe or tube material for welder qualification like there is in AWS B2.1 or ASME Section IX
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-27-2004 16:10
Hi G Mulee,
I am in agreement with you concerning "welder qualification per D1.1". Table 4.11 does not list base material change as an essential variable requiring requalification for the welder. All the base materials listed in Table 3.1 are prequalified materials.

But PQR essential variables requiring "WPS requalification", Table 4.5 (30) States: "A change in base metal or combination of base metals not listed on the PQR or qualified by Table 4.7".- therefore a change in materials would require requalification of the WPS. And for PQR's where CVN's are required additional essential variables in Table 4.6(1) State: "A change in Group Number". Also see Table 4.8 for more guidance on PQR base materials.

To answer your original question, I feel like the welder's range of qualification would be to weld any of the base materials and combinations of those listed in Table 3.1 if he/she was tested with (one/or combo) from Table 3.1.

If I have over looked something and am off base, I hope someone will post and help guide us to the correct info.
John Wright
Parent - - By bmaas1 (***) Date 01-27-2004 16:19
Look at table 4.11. Material is not an essential variable for welding performance qualification.

Brian Maas
Parent - By waynekoe (**) Date 01-27-2004 16:42
While base material isn't an essential varible for welder requalification, filler material tensile strength is. What qualifies for group I & II steel would require requalification for a group III and again for group IV base metal.

Parent - By G Mulee (*) Date 01-27-2004 20:16
Thanks for your response. I was aware that base metal is not an essential variable.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS D1.1 test plate material

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