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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Temporary Attachments
- - By Xavier David Date 02-02-2004 02:52
If I were to weld a temporary attachment on to a API 2W Gr 60- API RP 2Z ( pre-qualified steel ) material, am I required to use the same material grade as the parent material? ( that is the temporary attachment material is also API 2W Gr 60 -API RP 2Z ) This temporary attachments will finally be removed, affected areas will be grind and magnetic particle tested.
Parent - - By - Date 02-02-2004 08:04
Mr. David,
I presume you are working to AWS D1.1 building an offshore structure? As you've seen 2W does not get into fabrication practices. However, if the welding code you are working to is D1.1, you are generally allowed to use any of the materials listed in 3.1 for weld tabs, temp attachments, etc, unless this is otherwise prohibited by the project specification.
I would caution to research this thoroughly. There are additional requirements to keep in mind (check out paragraph 5.18 of D1.1-2004, for instance).
Parent - - By Xavier David Date 02-03-2004 08:11
Mr. Mankenberg,
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am working to AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel. I have welded this temporary attachments using a qualified FCAW welding process however the FCAW welding consumable is not CTOD tested therefore the Client is requesting to conduct PWHT after removal of these temporary attachments.
Furthermore there are no special requirements in the client specification.
Parent - By - Date 02-04-2004 08:25
Mr. David,
If this has happened in a critical area of the structure (i.e. one for which the WPSs required CTOD testing), then I believe you do have a problem if a consumable was used that is not permitted by the appropriate approved WPS for the member in question.
As I mentioned in my previous post, paragraph 5.18.1 of D1.1 states that "temporary welds shall be subject to the same WPS requirements as the final welds". This means everything (filler metal, minimum preheat and interpass temperatures, welder qualification, etc, etc). Though you may possibly be able to use any of the materials listed in Table 3.1 for the temp attachment (once again I urge caution to make sure there are no other requirements somewhere that would prohibit even this), you need to treat it the same as any other designed weld on the structure.
Best regards,
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Temporary Attachments

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