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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / stellite 6 on duplex stainless
- - By andy (**) Date 02-06-2004 15:40
In an earlier thread, jon200013 asked about doing a stellite 6 overlay on stainless steel. At the time I had no articualr interest, but a recent problems with a stellite 6 overlay disbonding has suddenly made me start seraching for info.

Any experiences generally with welding (any process) of stellite 6 onto stainless (and specifically duplex) or thermal spraying of stellite 6 on similar materials?

Any info gratefully received and feedback on how jon got on would be useful as his thread seemed to tail off...
Parent - By Tim Buyle (**) Date 02-11-2004 11:50
A few years ago we did some GTAW of Stellite 6 on a 316L stainless round bar (for thermowell applications) without any cracks, disbonding.

But in the case of duplex some precautions about limited heat input should be taken in order to avoid embrittlement of the duplex, resulting in underbead cracks.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-11-2004 13:09
Hi Andy,
There was more discussion in the past about stellite to stainless, I don't remember if duplex was mentioned though. GRoberts, Brande, jon200013, Giovanni Crisi, and others have posted regarding stellite overlays and I think there was mention of buttering with inconel.

Try searching again for "stellite" and change the days to "999" and limit posts to "100", and that should find those past discussions. Sorry, but I don't have any experience with those materials to share, only what I've read in the forum.
Hope this helps,
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / stellite 6 on duplex stainless

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