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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Cast Aluminum engine block
- - By garryweld Date 02-10-2004 03:19
Doe's anyone know what grade of cast aluminum is used to machine a engine block or is it machined from a billet. Also would like to know what filler I should use to weld up a cracked hole in the back where the transmission mounts. I think you would call it a boss where there was a steel plug inserted but the whole side broke out, which I experimented with on my tig using 4043 & then tried 5356 filler both seemed to take very well, but that said I still prefer not to guess or through just anything in there like I see so much of. I think most Professionals know what I mean. NEED TO KNOW WHAT BASE MATERIAL IS " BEFORE "
WELDING IS DONE. Don't care much for junked up repair work.
Parent - By jer (**) Date 02-19-2004 03:52
I use 4043 for cast repairs and 5356 for structural aluminum.
Parent - By flatjwl (*) Date 02-19-2004 11:54
With the limited info you have given, I cannot say for sure. However, most are 356 aluminum.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Cast Aluminum engine block

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