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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Extenal/Internal Clamp as per API 1104?
- - By GOKHANYAMAN (*) Date 03-15-2004 06:27
Hi eveybody,

I hope this is the right forum for my topic. I need your ideas and/or some references info to be sure. The sitiaution is:

There is pipeline 30" X 11.9 mm (Matrl: API 5L X52), so we need to qualify the welding procedure. It has been complated already with using "External Clamp", Butt weld, Root pass with : E 6010 (UH) and the filling / Capping pass with E 7010 (DH) as per API 1104. Now the only thing changing is using from External Clamp to Internal Clamp.

Do I need to re-qualify the existing PQR or welding with "External Clamp cover the welding with "Internal Clamp" ?

P.S. As per API 1104, its not under the essential variables (see 5.4 edition 1999), but under the title "PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (see 5.3)" and "USE OF LINEUP CLAMP for BUTT WELDS".

I think is not essential variable. What about yours?

I will be glad if you give me reference about that.

Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 03-17-2004 06:05
I only have API 1104 1994 available but according to that the change in type of lineup clamp is not an essential variable and therefore does not require requalification. Section 2.4.1 states "Changes other than those given in 2.4.2 may be made in the procedure without the need for requalification, provided the procedure specification is revised to show the changes."
I take that to mean that all you have to do is write up a new WPS to reflect the change in clamps and you will be covered.
Hope that helps,
Shane Feder
Parent - By GOKHANYAMAN (*) Date 03-17-2004 17:55
Hi Shane,

Thats what I did already.. I revised the existing WPS and Referred to previous PQR.

Thanks for your helping : )
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Extenal/Internal Clamp as per API 1104?

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