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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Maybe a dumb A$$ question but...
- - By Dagwood (*) Date 04-05-2004 18:29
We are doing a quote on a vessel that requires pre-heat as well as post weld heat treatment. (No problem so far right?) The materials are SA335-P91 which is P5B Group 2, SA182-F22/# still to be determined but will be either P5A or P5C Group 1, and SA387-GR11 P4 group 1.

I know that I will be doing various different weld procedures to qualify both the procedure and the welders themselves.

The question is...Can the materials cool down between welding and PWHT? We don't have a furnace in house and the PWHT company is a few hours away. Will this cause a problem? We can control the cooling rate after welding, but it will be cold before PWHT takes place. I have found all the PWHT information in ASME Section VIII but no mention of maintaining temperature.

Somebody? Anybody know where I can find the info?

Thanks in advance!!!

Darren. Oops, I mean Dagwood.
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 04-05-2004 19:53
Actually, you MUST cool the P91 to below 200 F PRIOR to PWHT to allow complete martensite phase tranformation of the weld and HAZ. You want to finish the phase transformation, then achieve a tempered martensite condition with the PWHT. If you go from preheat directly to PWHT with P91, the tranformation doesn't complete and will occur later on cooling from the PWHT soak temp. resulting in untempered martensite.

Also, there is no problem with cooling the F22 or Gr. 11 to room temp prior to PWHT, or going direct from preheat to PWHT, whichever is desired. These alloys are not as sensitive for martensite formation as P91.
Parent - By Dagwood (*) Date 04-06-2004 14:20
Thank-you for your quick response! I owe you one. (Or maybe two)

Parent - - By H. Chang (*) Date 04-08-2004 03:52
ASM Volume 6, Hardenable carbon and alloy steels, Postweld stress relieving, quoted "It is generally desirable to place the weldment in the stress-relieving furnace before it cools below the minimum preheat or interpass temperature"unquoted.
In ASME Section VIII, Div.1, UCS-56(d)(1), it specify the upper level up to 800F at the time of the pressure vessel or part is placed in a furnace.
Parent - By H. Chang (*) Date 04-08-2004 03:55
Our practice is always place the vessel/part in furnace at ambient temperature.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Maybe a dumb A$$ question but...

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