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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding HARDOX and MAXIDUR metal
- - By sidekickasia (*) Date 05-18-2004 04:55
Dear pple,

Anyone has any idea what filler metal to weld these 2 types metal?


These 2 metals are commonly used in dredging equipment.

Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 05-18-2004 15:24
Those aren't metal TYPES, but brand names. Without knowing who's the manufacturer (the brand owner), it's difficult to give any recommendation, unless some user of this site is familiar with those names. If you know who the manufacturer is, then contact him and ask for his advice.
Being used for dredging equipment, I'd say that they're hard alloys, and the name itself suggests that. Most hard alloys are impossible to join by welding, and so there's not a "filler metal" that can be used. I think, however, that you're talking about a "hardfacing metal", i.e., an electrode to rebuild the worn out surface of the parts that are made with those alloys.
In this case, again, it's difficult to give a recommendation without knowing the characteristics of the alloys. Take into account that the chemical composition is necessary but not sufficient. Hard alloys were submitted to various heat treatment procedures, and these are important to know how the alloy behave when welded. Again, if you know who the manufacturer is, get in contact with him and ask for his advice.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil

Parent - - By PhilThomas (**) Date 05-18-2004 19:53
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 05-18-2004 23:46
Great! I've just visited the site and there's all the information Sidekickassia needs.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - By R-win (*) Date 05-27-2004 22:45
Both are wear resistant steels, but most important is the actual grade.
Hardox 400 is often used and has about 400HB hardness and yiekd strength >900 MPa. This can be welded with ER70S6 when the weld only has to fix the parts on the right places.
When there is strength needed take a ER 110-S1 wire (UNION NiMoCr). This will also have some wear resistance.
For real wear resistance of the weld surface you can apply a 600HB-hardsurfacing wire like UTP A DUR 600 (not suitable for joining!)
Parent - By Peter Date 01-27-2005 14:09
Maxidur is produced by IHC Holland Parts & Services. See also

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding HARDOX and MAXIDUR metal

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