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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / PWHT and corrosion resistence
- - By aliffc3 (*) Date 05-26-2004 14:46
Effect of PWHT on SCC is known. My question is: What effect PWHT has on general corrosion resistence in Heat Effected Zones and Welds (if any) for Carbon and low alloy steels?
Parent - By Bill A (**) Date 05-26-2004 22:36
Probably depends on the environment they are in, but my own field studies (mainly in produced water from oil+gas fields) back up some published information showing that changes in the microstructure and the the morphology of the carbides can influence corrosion rate. Anything that decreases the heterogeneity of the weld zone is likely to have a beneficial effect on corrosion resistance, although the effect may be small. Reducing residual stress is beneficial, but a higher temperature heat treatment that homogenizes or normalizes the microstructure may have additional benefits.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / PWHT and corrosion resistence

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