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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding high tensile steel wire
- By dalegray1 Date 05-28-2004 00:05
I am an engineer working on a special industrial automated machine using wire. The project will require a large quantity of approximately 10 gauge high strength wire that is compatable with welding connections. The wire can be 9-10 gauge plain, bright, or other finish, but will be 220K or above in ultimate tensile strength. We have been told by welding equipment people that the carbon content of the wire must be low, 15-25%. However we have not been able to find any wire less than .50 carbon content that will reach the required strength. Can you provide any assistance or guidance on how to make this connection. We want to use a spot weld connection.
Thanks for your response.
Texas Industrial Systems
Dale D. Gray
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding high tensile steel wire

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