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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI NE MISS.
- - By KAJUN1 (*) Date 06-14-2004 21:54
Looking for CWI work in NE MISS. tired of the road.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-14-2004 23:50
Hey bud, you and me both.

You need to post a resume on my site I get alot of posting unrelated resumes but it may help.

A yahoo search for welding inspection mississippi resume brings me up so it may lead you to some work.

I think a few duplex alloy jobs will be upcoming soon in the area so if you have any experience with 2205, 2507 etc.. you may catch something.

Do you have any experience with tubular heat exchangers? I just passed on a 40 hour a week job in Tuscaloosa monitoring welding on a 2205 heat exchanger but it may be taken care of by now.

Call me sometime

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI NE MISS.

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