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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need details on aluminum MIG welding
- - By v8z Date 06-21-2004 22:09
Despite numerous people telling me I can't weld aluminum with my Hobart Handler 135, I've seen a few examples of people who WERE satisfied with their results. I understand the complications and am not attempting to weld anything thick.

My question is, what is the part number for the teflon liner for my machine? And the drive roller as well?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Parent - By Michael Sherman (***) Date 06-22-2004 00:47
Hobart has a forum much like this one. You will find your answer much faster there.

Mike Sherman
Parent - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 06-22-2004 10:33
You can weld aluminum with it, but the result will be unpredictable. There will be burn through on thinner materials. Cold lap on thicker stuff. You'll also encounter some burnback into the tip. If yer just looking for some short, not so perfect welds, then go for it. I cannot imagine making critical welds this way though. Clean the heck out of the weld area, use a dedicated liner for al. only. Get some straight argon too. Enjoy.
Parent - By lewis edwards (*) Date 06-27-2004 03:53
If you pre-heat the metal first then you can weld thicker materials.You might have to get up to 500degs F . Try 300 first. Move the gun or wire in fast small circular motions .Move to the front of the puddle then back into the puddle,this is called "working the puddle" . I was showed this for the first time when I started to weld stainless with the G.M.A.W. process .Some people use a "U" motion instead of a circle . The circle can be a triangle ,don't associate the term to mean an exact movement . Steady yourself so that you can place the wire EXACTLY where you want it .
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need details on aluminum MIG welding

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