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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Gas lens for TIG aluminum
- - By Vader (*) Date 06-23-2004 14:09
Thanks to the great advice I've found on this forum, I'm using 3/32 1.5% lanthanated electrode on my TA ProWave 185 with great results.

One question that I haven't seen asked is...for AC and aluminum should I use a gas lens or regular collet body?

Thanks in advance for any input!

Parent - - By LarryL (**) Date 06-23-2004 15:00
Unless you're welding in a confined area and the larger cups used with a gas lens get in the way, it may be best to always use a gas lens of the correct size on your torch regardless of whether you're welding with DC or AC. That is because a gas lens minimizes the turbulence of the shielding gas flow out of it. This will provide better shielding of the tungsten electrode and puddle. Because of this you will be able to set the tip of the tungsten electrode farther out from the cup's end than with a regular collet body on your torch. When you're trying to make a nice fillet weld that penetrates right into the root between aluminum pieces, you'll appreciate the additional protrusion of your electrode's tip. It will allow you to get your tip deep into the root to minimize AC arc wandering - wandering that occurs even if you're using an inverter-type welder like the TA 185.
Parent - - By Vader (*) Date 06-23-2004 16:11
Makes total sense. I read somewhere that you shouldn't use a gas lens for AC, so I didn't know if I was hurting or helping my situation by using one.

Thanks for the info.


Just found a post by a guy on the Hobart board...he says..."We use collet bodies for aluminum, due to the action of the AC trashing the delicate screen [of the gas lens]. Gas lenes are used for stainless, titanium and steel welding for better gas coverage. They disperse the gas flow better."
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 06-24-2004 02:36


The Hobart guy has a point, nonetheless, lots of folks still use gas lens collet bodies for welding aluminum. Just inspect the screen periodically and remove the top layer of screen (their are several layers) if the arc chatter chews up the screen to the point your not diffusing argon properly.

Gas lens collet bodies are a "nice to have" item for aluminum, just another option that can improve quality in some applications.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Gas lens for TIG aluminum

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