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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / how to qualify new automated weld equip.
- - By vcebrad Date 06-25-2004 12:52
What is the industry standard or common practice for qualifying new automated weld equipment?

My company is preparing to purchase an expensive new weld cell to move from bolting to welding assemblies of automotive-type products. Is it common practice to require the vendor of a new weld cell to make a pre-production run of a certain number at their facility prior to shipping the equipment? How many should be welded - one shift's worth, one week's worth?

Anybody out there done this before?
Parent - By Sean (**) Date 06-25-2004 15:06
Typically, in the auto industry if there is a design change or welding equipment (incl. wires & gas) change there is a requirement for pre-production testing of the product. From what I understand they will specify the type and number of tests based on the application of the part as well as the number of parts to be produced.

Also, they generally require that you take random samples from your production runs and test them as well.

I would ask your customer what type and quantity of tests that they will want.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / how to qualify new automated weld equip.

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