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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / equipment question, good vs bad points?
- - By 340mag Date 06-26-2004 01:22

the local MILLER dealer seems to be making me a good deal on a TRAILBLAZER 301 TIG similar to the one above plus the necessary extra optional accesories) ready to weld,combo, with a water cool torch, hand control,radiator plus ARG/gas/tank
does this combo seem to be a good tool for a hotrod shop? (aluminum TIG use,up to about 3/8" rarely,3/16 to 1/4" mostly , thinner and chrome moly roll cages, ETC.)
I like the idea of the generator and portability on a trailer, any bad points?
PRICE is not the issue, will this equipment do the job correctly?

Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 06-26-2004 02:49
This is great equipment, my only question is how are you going to route the cables since the machine should be outside while running or running through an exhaust evac system. As far as I can tell it should handle all the regular welding systems, mig tig and stick with only moderate additions.
Good luck,
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / equipment question, good vs bad points?

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