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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Need Help Welding Tungsten
- By - Date 07-02-2004 22:34
Hello, I'm new to this board and am looking for somebody with experience in welding Tungsten parts with a heli-arc setup. The company I work for closed down our branch out on the east coast and brought it out to the west coast to continue operations. The problem is that we lost our experienced welder and are on a pretty steep learning curve. We are welding tungsten heating elements but the welds are coming out extremely ugly and do not look like they are structurally sound. I'm after any techniques, tips, tricks, or any tidbits of information on how to get a good solid weld on tungsten parts that will be structurally sound. Right now the welds almost look like they are cold welds. There is a guy by the name of Bud who used to work at our company and is a member of the American Welding Society, so if you're out there Bud, please reply! Thanks for any help!

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Need Help Welding Tungsten

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