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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / mig tig or stick
- - By paige Date 07-03-2004 02:40
first of all i'm brand new to the site, so i want to say hi. now to my problem, i have a small auto restoration shop, and a customer with a 1938 ford coupe came in because some body welded a heidts superride 2 front suspension in it, and the top hot broke loose last weekend. i am a certified mig welder, plus i just bought a miller syncho 185 that i'm getting pretty nice welds out of. my problem is somebody came in today and told me i should stick weld the hat back on. normally i wouldn't pay this much mind, everybody has opinions, but this is a old time metal worker that knows his stuff. so i was wondering if i should tig stick or mig this thing together. i was also told that a tig weld is your strongest, safest weld, but now i'm second guesing this, so if somebody knows please let me know cause safety is first for me.
Parent - By hankj (*) Date 07-03-2004 15:32
If your MIG is big enough to do the job, go for it. As a certified weldor, you know the capabilities of your own equipment better than anyone. I think most pro shops would TIG a weld in a suspension part, but that's just one mans' opinion.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / mig tig or stick

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