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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I need some tips please
- - By jasonwillis Date 07-12-2004 06:24
I am starting welding school this fall and I want a career in welding.
what do you guys think the best way to get a decent job in welding?
the program i am going to attend will give me a welding cert.
please any information will be appreciated
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 07-13-2004 22:28
Learn to weld, work hard, be patient. To me any welding job when starting out is a good job. As with all professions, beginning is not as high paying however that doesn't mean a "decent" job. Get your feet wet and do a fair honest days work for your employer. Learn all you can both at work and on your own.

Have a nice day

Gerald Austin
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-14-2004 11:20
I think you will find that there is a lot to learn in this field. The more you learn the more you will find, there is more to learn(it never ends). Be patient and learn all you can, absorb like a sponge from all the old timers you get the privilage to work beside. As Gerald stated, do a good days work for your employer and show that you're eager to learn and tackle anything they throw you into. Gerald has been in this longer than I have and has learned a few things along the way, so take his advice. I have been with my present employer for twenty years and had to start out as a laborer and earning my dues as I went. I have worked in almost every department here at sometime or another, but I enjoy the position and type of work that I'm in now and hope I can be a help to my company and continually learning as I go.
I wish you well in your quest,
John Wright
Parent - By wrangler97 (*) Date 07-16-2004 02:18
I would suggest to realllly work hard on the things you dont like doing, for instance i really dont care for stick welding, but now that ive done plenty of it, i may not care for it, but im comfortable with it enough to get a job with it. Ive been a student for about a year, and as previously stated any experience you get working with the "old tymers" definately take all the info they can give you. Ive been lucky to be in the greenville tech program with Jack Wilson, hes the man and knows what hes doin.

good luck!
-Justin Brinson
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I need some tips please

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