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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 90%argon-10% CO2 versus 95% Argon-5% O2
- - By APM (*) Date 07-12-2004 14:52
Is there any data to support that the light/uv rays are brighter using 90%argon-10% CO2 versus 95% Argon-5% O2 when welding using pulsed spray transfer?
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-12-2004 21:55
One of the benefits of pulsed spray transfer is reduced heat input (this means reduced amps) arc-UV light corresponds up or down, with amperage.

Actual output I believe would be the same as long as the amperage and voltage is also the same (your owners manual will have some method to determine overall agregate arc voltage in pulsed operation). Having said that, if one gas combination produces more smoke it will reduce the amount of measured UV light by means of deflection, in general one of the selling points of pulsed technology in mig is the reduction of smoke, so maybe there might be some increase in UV output. I think in reality, especially at the amperages and voltages used to produce Spray Transfer the difference would be neglegable.

Are welders noticing brighter arcs with pulsed vs traditional spray transfer?

What were your parameters before and after the change ???

Amps (wire feed in ipm)
Material type
Filler type and dia

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 90%argon-10% CO2 versus 95% Argon-5% O2

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