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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / need help with project (new to brazing)
- - By hellsspawn Date 07-15-2004 10:57
I have a very minute knowledge of brazing and the like and am trying to silver solder copper and a bit of stainless steel. I found propane and oxy/fuel, while the propane was $30 including tip the oxy was $20 for the bottle and about $100 for the tip (which I don't want to pay for seeing as the copper was $150). Any help would be appreciated.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 07-15-2004 15:18
Is there a question in there?
Parent - - By hellsspawn Date 07-16-2004 00:38
Yeah, can I silver solder with a propane torch If not where could I get a cheap tip for the oxy.
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 07-16-2004 06:15
It depends- there is a whole range of melting points for various silver solders. It also depends on the size of the parts. If that $150 of copper is all one chunk then your bernzomatic isn't going to cut it. If your parts are of reasonable size (say 3/4 inch copper tubing or so) and the silver solder has a reasonably low melting point the propane torch should be ok. If it doesn't work try MAPP on the same torch. In between the propane and oxy/fuel an air/acetylene plumbers torch is the tool used by most refrigeration guys for this task.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-16-2004 13:59
I agree with Bill,
Depends on thickness and type/grade of materials. Propane can be used as the fuel in oxy/fuel with the correct tip of course. Mapp is used here as an oxy/fuel and we cut steel that can be as much as a couple inches thick.
Parent - - By hellsspawn Date 07-17-2004 01:54
I'm not looking to cut the pipe I just want to solder the pieces together, which are between 1/2" - 2" sections (pipe, nipples, elbows etc). The MAPP gass has an expensive tip so where could I find a cheaper one?
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 07-17-2004 04:45
This is air/acetylene, it will almost surely do the job. In addition you will need a small tank of acetylene. Does it fit your budget?

You can get bernzomatic cylinders of MAPP. They work with a regular bernzomatic head.
Parent - By hankj (*) Date 07-17-2004 23:44
Dual-gas torch bodies are readily available at your local hardware store. They'll handle propane or MAPP. About $13 to $30, depending on features.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-19-2004 11:47
I have one of those small (yellow) Mapp tanks that screws onto the turbo torch that Bill has suggested at home and it does the job nicely.
John Wright
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-19-2004 11:45
I was speaking of the fact that Mapp generates enough heat to cut therefore you should be able to solder/braze without any problems even on thick material that may absorb or dissipate the heat rapidly. Propane by itself may not have enough BTU's to keep up with such materials. Oxy/Mapp is cheaper than Oxy/Acet as far as fuels go. Tips, if used correctly should last, once you get past the intial cost. IMHO, Mapp would probably save you money in the long run.
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / need help with project (new to brazing)

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