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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / stick or mig?
- - By fikey (*) Date 07-16-2004 22:36
i enjoy doing a lot of welding making things on the farm and repairing things for neighbors and friends. i am not professionally trained, but have gotten pretty good at faking being a welder. i have tried a mig welder a time or two and have been totally impressed with it (especially in vertical situations). i am now pondering the thought of getting on. if i do, does it totally replace the stick welder (for steel usually not much thicker then a 1/4 inch)? also, what is the major difference in the wide range of prices on migs?
Parent - - By the hat Date 07-17-2004 00:28
It's hard to make a recomendation without knowing what you want to do.Having said that,I would keep the stick machine because there are jobs that you need it(dirty joint that you can't clean or get a gun into.)As far as a Mig goes,you want to look at amps,volts,(=heat=how thick)and duty cycle at the range you want to use(duty cycle=how many minutes you can weld in 10 minuites) Check out the Hobart site,there is allways something about what is the best machine for you.HTH
Parent - By hankj (*) Date 07-17-2004 23:32
Since you already stick weld, there will be a zero learning curve for MIG once you get used to setting up the machine. If you paln to weld in the 1/4 inch range, I'd reccommend at least a 180-amp class machine.
Hobart, Miller and Lincoln make great samll MIG units.

I own a Millermatic 135, but I plan to upgrade to the MM210 this year. The 135 is a great macine, but it just can't make critical welds on something like a trailer.

Hang on to the stick rig - you'll need it.

Be well.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / stick or mig?

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